1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 2
EZ430-RF2480.............................................................................................................................. 2
2. INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................. 3
3. EZ430-RF2480 DRIVER INSTALLATION..................................................................................... 3
WINDOWS XP................................................................................................................................ 3
WINDOWS VISTA ........................................................................................................................... 6
4. USER INTERFACE............................................................................................................................ 8
TOOLBAR....................................................................................................................................... 9
DATA CAPTURE.............................................................................................................................. 9
DATA LOGGING AND PLAYBACK .................................................................................................. 10
HELP............................................................................................................................................ 11
CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................................... 11
NETWORK VIEW .......................................................................................................................... 13
Scroll bars.......................................................................................................................... 14
Moving a Node................................................................................................................... 14
STATUS BAR................................................................................................................................. 14
5. TROUBLESHOOTING.................................................................................................................... 15
INCORRECT TEMPERATURE VALUES ............................................................................................. 15
STATUS OF THE CONNECTED DONGLE .......................................................................................... 15
MORE THAN ONE DONGLE CONNECTED TO THE PC ...................................................................... 15
CONNECT/DISCONNECT OTHER USB DEVICE ON SAME PC .......................................................... 15
USB DONGLE NOT AUTOMATICALLY DETECTED WHEN CONNECTED ............................................ 15
NOT ABLE TO START THE APPLICATION........................................................................................ 17
monitor the sensors in a ZigBee Network. ZSensorMonitor can be used together with
either the CC2530ZDK or an eZ430-RF2480 kit.
The network is formed when setting up the basic out of the box demo included either of
the kits. In the case of eZ430-RF2480 this includes the ZigBee Accelerator Sample
This document will only describe the user interface of the ZSensorDemo PC application.
1.1. CC2530ZDK
Further details about the CC2530ZDK and the Sensor Demo sample application can be
found on the CC2530ZDK website:
1.2. eZ430-RF2480
Further details about the hardware platform and the ZigBee Accelerator Sample
Application (ZASA) can be found on the eZ430-RF2480 Demo kit website at
1 Formerly known as eZ430-RF2480 Sensor Monitor.
The installation of ZSensorMonitor is very straight forward. Download the zip file from
internet and unzip the setup file. Double click on the setup file and follow the
eZ430-RF2480 Driver Installation
This section is only relevant if the eZ430-RF2480 kit platform is used.
Note: When using eZ430-RF2480 the PC application should be installed before the
eZ430-RF2480 dongle is connected to the PC. This is to be sure that the required files
for the driver installation are available
The PC application will communicate with the eZ430-RF2480 dongle over a virtual COM
port. The first time the dongle is connected to the PC, the new HW will be detected and
the wizard will appear and ask to install the necessary software. The required “inf” file
will be installed when installing the PC application. Please follow the guidelines in this
section based on your PC’s operating system.
3.1. Windows XP
When the dialog box appears, select
“No, not this time” and Click next.
automatically” and click next.
If the IAR kickstart for MSP430
has been installed before this
application, it might be that this
dialog will pop up and ask the
user to select one of the two inf
files. Both inf files are equal and
it doesn’t matter which one that
is selected. Either should work
The installation will start without any
further selections.
If this warning appears, the option
“Continue Anyway” must be selected in
order to install the driver.
This dialog will be shown when
everything has been successfully
Click Finish to close the wizard.
3.2. Windows Vista
The first time the USB dongle (sink) is
connected to the PC, the new HW is
detected and the system will ask to install
driver software.
Select “Locate and install driver software”.
Select “I don’t have the
disc. Show me other
Select “Browse my
computer for driver
The required “inf” file will
be installed together with
the application. Browse
to the directory of the
application and select
the sub directory
Click Next to continue.
Select “Install this driver software
At the end the software
should be successfully
Click Close to end the
User Interface
The user interface is developed to be as simple as possible with only a few buttons and
input fields. When the eZ430-RF2480 dongle is connected to the PC, the application will
search for an applicable COM port and start reading if a connection is successfully
Below is a screenshot showing a ZigBee Coordinator, Routers and End Devices where
the Coordinator is operating as a data Sink and all remaining devices are operating as
data Sources.
4.1. Toolbar
Drop down list with all
the available COM ports
Stop capturing data from
the serial COM port
Refresh list of serial
COM ports
Pause capturing data from
the serial COM port
Start logging to
Open log file for
Start capturing data from
the serial COM port
Start playback
of log file
Open application
user manual
The list of available COM ports will automatically be updated when the eZ430-RF2480
dongle is connected or disconnected. It is also possible to force refresh of the list by
clicking on the green “refresh” button
4.2. Data capture
If the applicable COM port can be found when “refresh” has been clicked, the application
will automatically try to capture data from the COM port. If communication is successfully
established, the “capture” button
will be disabled and both the “Pause capture”
button and the “Stop capture” button
will be enabled. If more than one device with
the applicable COM port is connected to the PC, it could be that wrong COM port gets
selected. In this case the first port in the list will be selected. If this was not the intended
device to connect to, the appropriate COM port must be selected manually.
Using the “Stop capture” button will cause the nodes on display to be removed from the
screen once the “Start capture” button is clicked. This differs from the “Pause capture”
button which will maintain the nodes on the screen when the “Start capture” button is
4.3. Data logging and playback
It is possible to capture the data traffic on the serial port to a log file for debugging and
playback purposes. The log file is pure ASCII text which displays a time-stamp and the
raw data in hexadecimal format.
Data logging is started by clicking the button
. The user will then be requested to
provide a file using the standard “File Save” dialog. The log file shown below is a sample
ZigBee PRO log file included in the distribution as “ZSensorMonitor_pro.log”.
15:30:27 02 61 01 41 00
15:30:45 03 46 82 01 00 58
15:30:45 0A 46 87 01 00 01 00 02 00 1e 1c 00 00
15:30:53 03 46 82 6f 79 19
15:30:55 0A 46 87 01 00 01 00 02 00 1f 1c 00 00
15:30:55 0A 46 87 6f 79 01 00 02 00 14 1e 00 00
15:31:03 03 46 82 70 79 19
15:31:04 0A 46 87 70 79 01 00 02 00 14 17 00 00
15:31:05 0A 46 87 01 00 01 00 02 00 20 1c 00 00
15:31:06 0A 46 87 70 79 01 00 02 00 14 17 00 00
15:31:12 03 46 82 71 79 58
15:31:12 0A 46 87 71 79 01 00 02 00 17 1d 00 00
15:31:15 0A 46 87 01 00 01 00 02 00 21 1c 00 00
15:31:16 0A 46 87 70 79 01 00 02 00 14 17 00 00
15:31:17 0A 46 87 6f 79 01 00 02 00 14 1e 00 00
Playback is done in two steps:
Open a log file using the
button. This will active the
Click on the button to start the playback
During playback the network view background will differ from when capturing data
online. The figure below is an example of playing back already recorded data.
Temperature unit
Celsius or Fahrenheit can be selected.
Time interval
The timestamp of each node will be checked regularly to see if any message has been
received within the given time interval. If the elapsed time is longer than specified, the
Node will be removed from the screen.
4.6. Network View
The PC demo will always display one node on the top of the screen, the Sink. Below the
Sink the presence of additional network nodes will be displayed as they are detected. Be
aware that nodes may place themselves on top of existing nodes when they first appear,
but can easily be dragged away with the mouse.
The various states of the nodes are described below.
Sink node not connected to the PC.
An attempt to read from the COM port has been made, but no response
Sink node connected to the PC but reading from the COM port is not
Sink node connected to the PC and reading from the COM port. The
difference with a Sink not connected to the PC can be seen from the black
and white outline.
A combined router and source node in the network. The short address,
timestamp is from the last message received from the node.
The node will blink each time a message is received by the connected
Sink node.
A dummy router. If we don’t receive any message from a router within the
configured time interval, it can be assumed that the node is out of service.
However, if the node has child nodes that are still alive, the node will not
be removed, it will be changed to a “dummy router”.
Source node with information about the short address, temperature,
2 Only applicable for the eZ430-RF2480.
voltage and a timestamp from when the last message was received from
this node.
The source node will blink each time a message is received by the
connected Sink node.
The role of each node is also indicated if the mouse is held over the node for more than
a second.
The nodes are connected with arrows to show the relationship between parent and child
addressing, and does not necessarily reflect the path taken for routing messages
between a source and the sink.
4.6.1. Zoom
The user can zoom in and out of the network view by using the wheel on the mouse or
by clicking on the “+” or “-“ buttons. The focus for zooming in and out will be based on
the location of the mouse pointer.
4.6.2. Scroll bars
The Horizontal and Vertical scroll bars can be used to navigate the network. If the
Network view is zoomed out far enough to make the outline of the rectangular
background visible, the scroll bar will disappear.
4.6.3. Moving a Node
The nodes can be moved around with the mouse. To move a node, click and hold the
left mouse button while pointing to the node. Hold the left mouse button and drag the
node to the required position. Release the left mouse button when the node is in the
desired position.
4.6.4. Removal of a Node
A node will be removed from the screen if no message has been received within the time
interval given in the settings dialog.
4.7. Status bar
The status bar shows the status of the application; connection state, mode of operation,
serial port traffic statistics and protocol information.
3 Applies only to the ZigBee 2006 protocol used in eZ430-RF2480.
5.1. Incorrect temperature values
If the temperature is much different from the expected value, this is because the
temperature sensor is not calibrated.
5.2. Status of the connected dongle
NB! This section only applies to the eZ430-RF2480.
It is possible for the status of the connected dongle to get out of synchronization if the
dongle gets disconnected and connected rapidly without any delay in between. In this
case the start/stop capturing data should be used manually to get the capture
operational again.
5.3. More than one dongle connected to the PC
NB! This section only applies to the eZ430-RF2480.
If more than one dongle is connected to the PC, make sure that the correct dongle is
selected in the list of COM ports.
5.4. Connect/Disconnect other USB device on same PC
NB! This section only applies to the eZ430-RF2480.
If any USB device is connected or disconnected while the eZ430-RF2480 dongle is
connected and Capture data is active, the capture of data could get deactivated. In this
case the Capture must be re-activated manually.
5.5. USB dongle not automatically detected when connected
NB! This section only applies to the eZ430-RF2480.
If the eZ430-RF2480 dongle is not automatically detected, try to remove the dongle and
to connect it again. Windows is sometimes slow in detecting a new dongle so don’t do
this in quick succession..
It is also recommended to first start the PC application and then to plug-in the eZ430-
RF2480 dongle.
It is also possible to manually select the COM port from the drop down list. Search for
device starting with “MSP430…” and select this one. Then push the “capture” button to
establish the communication.
If still no success, it is time to check the device in the device manager. If the device
drivers have been successfully installed, there should be one Composite USB device
and one serial COM port.
Correctly installed devices should look like the screen shot below.
The serial COM port.
The composite device
When the eZ430-RF2480 is removed, these device drivers should disappear from the
view in the Device Manager. If they don’t disappear, a restart of the PC will be
Check that the “MSP430” device is available in the drop down list of available COM
5.6. Not able to start the application
If an error message about missing the msvcp80.dll is received, or the error message
shown below appears when attempting to start the application, you may be required to
install an additional package from Microsoft.
The package contains some additional runtime components needed by applications
developed with Visual C++. To resolve this problem, install the package by running the
file vcredist_x86.exe file found in the folder \vcredist of the ZSensorMonitor installation.
Alternatively the package can be downloaded from the web:
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