Opera Printer
Power Supply
USB Cable
USB Port Location
CD Rom
Cleaning Card
Return Plate
Warnings, Cautions and Notes
Note: Opera 105 only
Unpacking - Check that you have the parts shown on the right
T h roughout this guide, the following conventions
a re used to identify important information.
Note: To complete installation and begin using your
printer you will require a dyefilm cassette and
CR80 PVC cards. The dyefilm and cards are
supplied together as one 50 shot cassette and
one 50 card dispenser.
WARNING - Warning messages indicate where
personal injury could result from not following the
correct procedures.
(See reverse side for part numbers).
See 5.
CAUTION - Caution messages indicate where damage
to equipment could result from not following the
correct procedures.
NOTE - Notes convey important information that is
identified within the text.
Loading the dye film cassette
Power up
Remove white plastic
transit bracket inside
printer before you
load any dye film.
The Opera is small and easy to locate near your PC, but
please ensure that you allow for top access (for dyefilm
replacement) and rear access (for disconnecting the power
supply and operating the ‘test’ button).
In normal operation, only front access is
Open the printer lid by squeezing the two
‘ears’ on the top of the printer together and
Connect the power cable to the power supply ‘brick’ and
plug the power connector into a suitable AC power supply
( 100 - 240v 50 -60 Hz). Plug the small DC output
connector into the socket on the right of the printer rear
panel. With AC power connected, the action of inserting
the DC connector will switch on the Opera, and motor
noises will be heard as the dyefilm panels are positioned,
followed by the illumination of the green LED on the front
panel. Your printer is now ready.
Safety Instructions
lifting the lid. Open the dyefilm cassette bag
and withdraw the cassette. There are two
arrows molded in the yellow
cassette frame. These
Please read all of these instructions before using
your printer. Observe the markings on the rear
panel of the printer.
The printer should be installed in a dust-free,
office type environment which is maintained
at a temperature between 10°C and 30°C
(50°F to 85°F) and with a relative humidity of
20 - 70%. The printer should also be
should be on top and
pointed to the rear of the
printer. Position the cassette
spool ends into the four recesses and clip the
cassette into place. Lower the lid and press down
until you hear a ‘click’ as the latch engages.
• To prevent electric shock do not remove covers.
• Do not attempt to service the printer yourself.
• There are no user serviceable parts inside. In the
event of malfunction, refer servicing to your nearest
Ultra Electronics service center.
• Use only a power source within the limits marked on
the AC adaptor power supply.
• Avoid spilling any liquid on the printer.
Note: Printer operation can now be tested by printing a
test card, even without connection to a PC. (See panel
below- ‘How to print a test card without a PC’).
protected from direct sunlight and rapid
temperature changes.
• Ensure that the power supply cord is not longer than
6ft. 6ins. (2 metres).
• If using this printer in Germany: To provide adequate
short-circuit protection and over-current protection
for this printer, the building installation must be
protected by a 16 Amp circuit breaker.Bei Anschluß
des Druckers an die Stromversorgung muß
sichergestellt werden, daß die Gebäudeinstallation
mit einem 16 A-Überstromschalter abgesichert ist.
Installing the driver CD and connecting to your PC
Installing the Magicard ID badging software
Caution: It is very important that the printer is powered OFF during the initial stages of driver software
installation. Follow the on-screen instructions which will tell you when to power ON. (The printer is powered
OFF by unplugging the low-voltage power connector on the rear panel, and powered on by reconnecting it).
Unplug the low voltage power connector and connect the printer to the PC using the USB cable supplied.
Insert the CD into the CD ROM drive on the PC. The software should autorun, but if this is disabled on your PC
go to ‘Start’, ‘Run’ and enter ‘D:\autorun’ where D is the correct letter for your CD drive.
Follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver software, reconnecting the low voltage
power when instructed to do so.
With the Ultra Driver CD in your drive select Install Software, then install Magicard ID. Follow
the on-screen instructions and the InstallShield Wi z a rd will install the ID software and place an
icon on your desktop. When installation has finished, select Launch to run the program or click
Finish to launch it later. The ‘How to’ panels below provide some starter information, but full
information is available on the CD and online. For off-line help insert the CD in the drive, then
select Documentation followed by User Guide on the CD. From within the Magicard ID
p rogram, on-line help information can be accessed by pressing F1 or clicking on the Help
menu, but your PC must be connected to the Internet for this to be accessible.
Note 1: The Magicard Opera printer, with the supplied Magicard ID software installed on your
PC, needs only the addition of a USB camera (webcam) to make a complete Photo-ID badging
When Handling the Printer
Avoid touching the thermal printing edge of the
t h e rmal printhead. Grease and contamination will
shorten its life.
Before transporting the printer, remove the dye film
cassette and, if appropriate, the Opera 105 Return
Plate. Pack the printer in its original packaging.
Note 1: If you wish to print sample cards from your PC before installing your
badgemaking software, go to the Support section of the CD where you will find a
selection of self-printing test card images in jpeg format.
Note 2: If you are short of USB ports on your PC you can add a low cost powered USB hub to
provide extra ports.
You are now ready
to print your
Note 2: The Opera printer works with other graphics or ID badge software packages if desire d .
first ID card!
How to get service or support
If you have a problem with the installation or operation
of your Magicard printer, then first please re-check to
ensure that you have followed the instructions given in
this guide.
How to make an ID badge
How to upgrade to Magicard ID Professional
The Magicard ID software supplied with the Opera 100 is a full function ID badging
package, but it is limited to 50 database entries only. Database import/export and
magstripe encoding are not available. The Magicard ID package can be upgraded to the
professional version with unlimited database entries plus support for database
import/export and magstripe encoding by entering a registration code which can be
purchased online. With Magicard ID running, press the F5 key or go to Help/Get Unlock
Key, to connect to the Magicard ID Application Form web page (you must be connected
to the internet). Fill out the customer information, and follow instructions to purchase the
unlock key. The unlock key will be emailed to you, and can be entered into Magicard ID
by selecting Help/Enter Unlock Key. Enter the code (this is case sensitive and must be
entered accurately), followed by pressing OK to upgrade your installation.Note: Opera
105 printers are shipped with a Magicard ID professional unlock key already available in
the box with no online purchase necessary. Just enter the code as above after installation
We also recommend that you visit our website
www.magicard.com where additional FAQs and
technical support information are available, together
with a “contact us” E-mail form to report any problems.
How to use the card dispenser
How to print a test card without using a PC
How to use magstripe encoding (Opera 105 only)
Reach behind the printer to locate the small ‘test’ button on the right of the rear
panel, and press it. The green LED will flash for several seconds as a test image is
composed. While this is happening you should extract a single card from a card
dispenser (see panel) and insert it into the printer’s card aperture on the front panel
until resistance is felt. When the printer is ready to print, the
LED will again flash, together with motor noise, and the card
should be drawn into the printer and a test card printed.
With the rear of the printer facing towards you, clip the Return Plate into position, ensuring
the three plastic locating projections clip into the corresponding holes in the rear of the
printer. Tilt the plate as necessary to ease attachment. With the plate installed, the Opera
105 printer is ready to print and encode data on tracks 1 and 2 using HiCo cardstock.
Consumable packages are available which include dispensers
with HiCo cards. Magicard ID Professional provides full
Place the dispenser on a firm surface near the printer with the pointed end facing you.
Grasp the top of the dispenser and slide it forward, then push it back to expose the
corners of a single card ready for printing. When the printer is ready, grip the edges of
the card between thumb and forefinger and pull it from the dispenser. Insert it
immediately into the front aperture of the printer.
If you still have a problem you will be covered by our
standard warranty.
Follow instructions on reverse side under “Warranty” to
obtain assistance.
Note 1: Avoid contact with the printable surfaces of the card.
Note 2: Opera cardstock is supplied pre-packaged in
single-use dispensers containing 50 blank cards. These
dispensers keep the cardstock clean, which is very
important to achieve blemish-free card images. Once
empty, the dispensers should be disposed of or sent for
recycling. Do not attempt to refill the dispensers.
magstripe encoding support under Card Design.
Note 1: When feeding HiCo cards, the magstripe should be face
down on the right-hand side.
Note 2: The plate can be removed by grasping the rear of
the plate and pulling carefully. A stronger pull may be
required while changing the angling or tilting upwards.
Note: If a subsequent test card is initiated, the image
will not need to be re-composed and the print cycle will
begin immediately.
Online support is available after registration.
To register visit www.magicard.us/register.html
front view
Opera 100 & Opera 105 QuickStart Guide, Issue 3, August 2007 (Stock No. M9006 459)
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