2-Line Alpha/Numeric Pager
O perating Guide
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C o n t e n t s
Using this Owners Guide
Display Indicators
Belt Clip/Holster
Illuminated Display.
Care and Maintenance .
Installing and Using a Battery.
Installing the Battery .
Low Battery Alarm/Warning .
Memory Saver .
About Your Pager’s Functions.
Set the Time, Day and Date
Setting the Time .
Setting the Day and Date.
Choosing the Alert Type .
Using the Alarms .
Setting a Time Alarm .
Setting a Day (Weekly) Alarm
Setting the Date Alarm .
Choose and Change Options
Time Stamp On or Off .
Quick View On or Off .
Sample Alert On or Off .
Word Wrap On or Off.
Managing Message Files .
Understanding the Memory Status Reminder
Reading Personal Messages.
Receiving/Displaying Messages .
Unreadable Message.
Tone Only .
Unread Message Reminder
Reading a Mail Drop Message .
Adding an Alert to a Mail Drop Message Type .
Deleting a Mail Drop Message .
Moving a Message to Notebook
Deleting Individual Personal Messages
Deleting All Personal Messages .
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In t r o d u c t io n
Congratulations on your purchase of the CONTAQ II
ALP 9090 2-line alpha/numeric pager. This compact,
state-of-the-art pager has many features including:
J 78 Notebook Storage Locations
J 20 Mail Drop Locations
J 30 Personal Message Locations
J Clearvue™ Illuminated Display
J Multiple Alert Tones
J Silent or Vibrate Alerts
J Time/Day/Date Alarms
J Out-of-Range Indicator
To ensure that you understand all of the pager’s
features and capabilities, please read this Operating
Guide carefully before you use the pager.
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U s in g t h is O w n e r s G u id e
J Throughout this Operating Guide the action (such
as: press a key) is first, followed by a display of the
Press N, you will see:
J If (while setting any function) you do not press any
key for about 8 seconds, the display returns to
standby. If this happens, start over at step 1.
J When you see only the > key in a description,
you can usually use either the > key to scroll
forward or the < key to scroll backward.
J To rapidly change a setting (such as the hour or
minutes when setting the time), hold down the >
or < key.
J When we say “press this key”, press and release
the key. If you need to press and hold, we will say
J If you want to cancel or exit a mode, press O.
J These displays are general representations of
what you will see. Your paging service provider
may change the wording.
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C o n t r o ls
1. Backward Scroll Key (<)
2. Enter/Menu Key (N)
3. Forward Scroll Key (>)
4. Speaker
5. Display (see next page)
6. Power/Escape Key (O) – hold to turn power on/off
or press and release to return display to standby.
7. Strap attachment
6 To stop the page alert, press any key. To light the
display, press and hold any key for two seconds.
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D is p la y In d ic a t o r s
1.Out-of-Range Indicator and first character of the
12-Character Display
2.Alert Type
5.Battery Low
6.Info Service Message
8.Message Status Indicator
9.12-Character Display
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B e lt C lip / H o ls t e r
J Line up the groove on the pager back with the
groove on the holster. It fits in the holster only one
J Slide the pager into the holster. It fits securely.
J Use the spring clip to attach the holster to your belt
or pocket.
J You can view your messages while the pager is in
the holster.
J To use the function keys, slide the pager out of the
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Illu m in a t e d D is p la y
J Turn on your pager.
J At the standby display, press and hold N, >
or < for about two (2) seconds.
J The display lights for about five (5) seconds.
6 Heavy use of the Clearvue™ illumination shortens
battery life.
C a r e a n d M a in t e n a n c e
J Keep the pager dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry
J Use and store only in normal temperature
J Keep the pager away from dust and dirt.
J To clean the pager, wipe occasionally with a damp
cloth. Do not use harsh chemicals.
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In s t a llin g a n d U s in g a B a t t e r y
Your pager requires one AAA battery for power.
Caution: Always use a battery of the specified size
and type.
In s t a llin g t h e B a t t e r y
1. Release the battery
compartment lock.
Slide and lift off the
battery cover.
2. Insert a AAA battery in
the compartment
according to the polarity
symbols (+ and -)
marked inside.
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3. Match the dots, slide the
battery cover on and
slide the lock-tab down.
L o w B a t t e r y A la r m / W a r n in g
When the battery power is
appears in the
display and – once an hour
– a low-beep sounds for four-seconds.
6 When the battery low indicator appears, replace
the battery as soon as possible to keep your pager
working at peak performance.
M e m o r y S a v e r
Your pager’s built-in memory saver stores messages
and settings for at least two minutes while you change
the battery or after the battery loses power.
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A b o u t Yo u r P a g e r ’ s Fu n c t io n s
There are six choices in the function menu:
1 Alert Set - change alert type.
A Alarm Menu - set alarm for time, day, and/or date.
T Time Menu - set the time, day and date.
? Option Menu - time stamp, quick view, sample
alert, and word wrap.
G Message File - view, set alert, save/move or delete
D Delete All - delete all personal messages.
6 DELETE ALL does not delete Mail Drops.
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S e t t h e Tim e , D a y a n d D a t e
S e t t in g t h e Tim e
From the standby display,
go to Time Set (as shown):
1.To select the hour,
press > or < until
you reach the number
that you want.
2.To store your selection
and move to the minutes
display, press N.
3.To set the minutes and
choose between 12 or
24 hour mode, repeat
steps 1 and 2.
4. To store your selection in
memory, press N.
The display returns to standby.
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S e t t in g t h e D a y a n d D a t e
From the standby display, go to Day/Date Set
(as shown):
1.To select the day,
press > or < until
you reach the number
that you want.
2.To store your selection
and move to the month
display, press N.
3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 to
set the month and date.
4. To store your selection
in memory, press N.
The display returns to
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C h o o s in g t h e A le r t Ty p e
Go to the Alert Set Menu (as shown):
To listen to the tones as you select them,
set Sample Alert under the Options Menu
on page 20.
1.To cycle through the alert
types, press > or <.
2.To store your selection in
memory, press N.
3. To toggle between
Auto Reset (alert tone
stops after 8 seconds)
and Non-stop
(alert tone continues until
you press any key),
press > or <.
The Silent alert does not
use the Auto Reset nor
Non-stop options.
4. To store your selection in
memory, press N.
The standby display returns
showing the audio alert
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U s in g t h e A la r m s
You can set the pager to sound an audible or vibrate
alarm at the same time every day, on the same day
every week, and/or at a specific time on a certain
When a set alarm time arrives – even if the pager is
turned off – the pager repeatedly sounds a unique
alert tone (different than any message alert tone
pattern) or vibrates for about 20 seconds. To stop the
alarm sooner, press any key.
J The bell icon appears in the display when you turn
on any one of the three alarms (daily, weekly, or
J The bell icon disappears from the display only
when all three alarms are turned off.
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S e t t in g a Tim e A la r m
To set an alarm for a specific time every day:
Example: Every day at 5:54 p.m.
From the standby display,
go to Time Alarm (as shown):
1. To set the alarm on or off,
press > or <.
2.To enter your selection,
press N.
3.To select the hour,
press > or < until
you reach the number
that you want.
4.To store your selection
and move to the minutes
display, press N.
5.To set the minutes and
alarm alert type
repeat steps 3 and 4.
6. To store your selection in
memory, press N.
The display returns
to standby.
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S e t t in g a D a y (W e e k ly ) A la r m
To set an alarm for a specific day of the week and
time: (Example: Every Friday at 5:54)
From the standby display, go to
Day Alarm (as shown).
1. To set the alarm on or off,
press > or <.
2. To enter your selection,
press N.
3. To select the week day,
press > or < until you
reach the one that you want.
4. To store your selection and
move to the next display,
press N.
5. To set the minutes, choose
the hour, and alarm alert type
repeat steps 3 and 4.
6. To store your selection in
memory, press N.
The display returns to standby.
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S e t t in g t h e D a t e A la r m
To set an alarm for a specific date and time:
Friday, February 14,
at 5:54 p.m.
From the standby display,
go to Date Alarm (as shown).
1. To set the alarm on or off,
press > or <.
2. To enter your selection,
press N.
3. To select the month,
repeatedly press > or <.
4. To store your selection and
move to the day of the month,
press N.
5. To set the day of the month,
hour, minutes, and alarm alert
type (AUDIO ALARM or
VIB ALARM), repeat steps 3
and 4.
6. To store the date alarm
settings in memory,
press N. The standby
display appears.
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C h o o s e a n d C h a n g e O p t io n s
J Time Stamp
J Quick View
J Sample Alert
J Word Wrap
6 To “escape” from any Option menu, press O.
6 When ? appears above the selected option,
that option is on.
Tim e S t a m p O n o r O f f
Time stamp adds the day, time
and date that a message came in.
From the standby display,
go to Time Stamp (as shown):
1. Press N.
The current setting appears.
(The default setting is on.)
2.To change the setting,
press > or <.
3. To store the selected
setting and return to
standby, press N.
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Q u ic k Vie w O n o r O f f
Quick View lets you set your pager to automatically
display each message when you receive it.
From the standby display,
go to Quick View (as shown):
1 Press N.
The current setting appears.
2. To change the setting,
press > or <.
(The default setting is on.)
3. To store the selected setting
and return to standby,
press N.
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S a m p le A le r t O n o r O f f
When you turn Sample Alert on, you can hear or feel
a sample of the alert when you are setting it.
From the standby display, go to
Sample Alert (as shown):
1 Press N.
The current setting appears.
(The default setting is on.)
2. To change the setting,
press > or <.
3. To store the selected setting
and return to standby,
press N.
2 0
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W o r d W r a p O n o r O f f
If a word in the display is more than 12 characters,
Word Wrap prevents breaking it up. To see complete
(unbroken) words in the display, turn word wrap on.
From the standby display,
go to Word Wrap (as shown):
1 Press N.
The current Word Wrap
setting appears.
(The default setting is on.)
2. To change the setting,
press > or <.
3. To store the selected setting
and return to standby,
press N.
2 1
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M a n a g in g M e s s a g e File s
There are two types of messages:
J Personal Messages (you can move or delete)
Your pager holds up to 30 messages in memory.
J Info Service (Mail Drop) Messages (you can add
an alert, move or delete). Your pager has 20
different mail drops.
6 You can store mail drop and personal messages in
the Notebook that has 78 memory locations.
U n d e r s t a n d in g t h e M e m o r y
S t a t u s R e m in d e r
J No messages to be read or
in memory.
J Unread messages - 1 to 29
messages that haven’t be read.
J Messages (1- 30) that have
been read
J Your pager’s memory is full.
You need to read and delete
your messages.
2 2
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R e a d in g P e r s o n a l M e s s a g e s
Your pager can store up to 30 personal messages, in
the order received. If the pager’s memory is full when
it receives a new message, FULL appears on the
display and the new message replaces the oldest
message in memory.
J To prevent the pager from automatically replacing
personal messages you want to keep, be sure to
promptly delete each unwanted message after you
read it.
J When a message is deleted or replaced, the pager
renumbers any remaining messages.
J Press > to read the most recent stored message
or press < to read the oldest message.
J The pager automatically scrolls through all screens
for the selected message, displaying each screen
for 8 seconds. Then the standby display
reappears. Or, you can press > or < to move
to the next or previous screen.
2 3
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R e c e iv in g / D is p la y in g M e s s a g e s
6 When you receive a Mail Drop message,
appears in the standby screen.
Receiving Messages with Quick View On and
Time Stamp Off
1. When the pager receives
a message, it beeps (or
vibrates) and the message
displays on the screen.
2. To scroll through the
message, press >.
To scroll through other
stored messages, press >.
6 To delete the message, see pages 30, 32, and 33.
6 To move the message, see page 31.
3. To return to the standby display,
press O.
2 4
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Receiving Messages with Quick View Off and
Time Stamp On
1. When the pager receives
a message, it beeps (or
vibrates) for 8 seconds.
To immediately stop the alert, press any key.
2. To see the message,
press >.
3. To read the rest of the
message, press N.
4. To scroll through other
messages, press >.
3. To return to the standby
display, press O.
2 5
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Receiving Messages With Quick View and Time
Stamp On
1. When the pager receives a
message, it beeps (or vibrates)
for about 8 seconds.
2. The message automatically
appears on the display. If the
message is longer than
12 characters, the second part of the message
appears after a second.
3. To stop the alert, press any key.
The display shows you have a
message in memory.
U n r e a d a b le M e s s a g e
If a message is received that is
partially or totally unreadable, the
unreadable characters are
replaced with dot ( ).
2 6
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To n e O n ly
A “tone only” message doesn’t
have any numeric characters.
It could be an unreadable message,
an error or a preset message that alerts you to check
your voice mail.
U n r e a d M e s s a g e R e m in d e r
If you are using the Auto Reset alert mode (see
Choosing the Alert Type on page 13) and you do not
read a message within 3 minutes, the pager sounds
an 8-second series of reminder alert tones. This
unread message reminder repeats up to 10 times or
until you read that message. If you are using the Non-
stop alert mode, the unread message reminder alert
sounds continuously until you read that message.
6 If you use Non-stop, the alert sounds until you
read the message or your battery runs down.
2 7
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R e a d in g a M a il D r o p M e s s a g e
1. From the standby display
go to Message File
(as shown):
2. Press N. The first Mail
Drop message appears.
3. To scroll through the
message, press > or <.
4. To read the next message,
press >.
6 Press O to return to the standby display.
2 8
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A d d in g a n A le r t t o a M a il D r o p
M e s s a g e Ty p e
Our example is the first
maildrop (07) in the
message file and the
1. Follow the steps to go to the
2.With the message in the
display, press N.
The 3 options appear -
Alert (?), Move (G), and
Delete (D)
3.To select Alert (?),
press <. Our
example’s current setting
4. To change the setting from
OFF to ON, press N.
6 There is no confirmation message. The alert
changes to ON and the display returns to the
beginning of the message.
2 9
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D e le t in g a M a il D r o p M e s s a g e
Our example is the first maildrop (07) in the message
file and the TIME STAMP is on.
1.Follow the steps to go to
the message:
2. With the message in the
display, press N.
The 3 options appear -
Alert (?), Move (G), and
Delete (D).
3. To select DELETE (D),
press >.
4. Press N.
The confirmation message
“DELETE OK?” displays.
6 To Cancel the delete,
press O, > or <.
5. Press N again.
6. After about 2 seconds,
the standby display
3 0
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M o v in g a M e s s a g e t o N o t e b o o k
6 The message in our example is a Mail Drop
message. You move a Personal Message the
same way - the only difference is that there are
only 2 options in step 1.
1.With the message in the
display, press N.
The 3 options appear -
Alert (?), Move (G), and
Delete (D). Remember
that a Personal Message
has 2 options - Move (G),
and Delete (D).
2. To move the message to
the Notebook, press N.
4.After 2 seconds, the display returns to standby.
3 1
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D e le t in g In d iv id u a l P e r s o n a l
M e s s a g e s
1.Go to the message that
you want to delete
(refer to page 23).
2.Press N. Two options
appear - Move (G), and
Delete (D)
3. To select Delete (D),
press >.
4. Press N.
“DELETE OK?” appears.
5. To delete the message,
press N.
To cancel (not delete the message), press O
6. After about 2 seconds, the standby display appears.
3 2
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D e le t in g A ll P e r s o n a l M e s s a g e s
From the standby display,
go to Delete All (as shown):
1 Press N.
DELETE ALL appears.
2. Press N.
The confirmation message
“DELETE OK?” displays.
6 To Cancel the delete,
press O, > or <.
3. Press N again.
4. After about 2 seconds, the
standby display appears.
3 3
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C o n t a q II A L P 9 0 9 0 Fle x ™
Tw o Ye a r L im it e d W a r r a n t y
Important: Evidence of original purchase is required for warranty service.
ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY: Uniden warrants, for two years, to the original retail owner, this
Uniden Product to be free from defects in materials and craftsmanship with only the limitations or
exclusions set out below.
WARRANTY DURATION: This warranty to the original user shall terminate and be of no further
effect 24 months after the date of original retail sale. The warranty is invalid if the Product is
(A) damaged or not maintained as reasonable or necessary, (B) modified, altered, or used as part of
any conversion kits, subassemblies, or any configurations not sold by Uniden, (C) improperly
installed, (D) serviced or repaired by someone other than an authorized Uniden service center for a
defect or malfunction covered by this warranty, (E) used in any conjunction with equipment or parts
or as part of any system not manufactured by Uniden, or (F) installed or programmed by anyone
other than as detailed by the Operating Guide for this product.
STATEMENT OF REMEDY: In the event that the product does not conform to this warranty at any
time while this warranty is in effect, warrantor will repair the defect and return it to you without
charge for parts, service, or any other cost (except shipping and handling) incurred by warrantor or
its representatives in connection with the performance of this warranty. THE LIMITED WARRANTY
Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
LEGAL REMEDIES: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state. This warranty is void outside the United States of America.
instructions in this Operating Guide you are certain that the Product is defective, pack the Product
carefully (preferably in its original packaging). Include evidence of original purchase and a note
describing the defect that has caused you to return it. The Product should be shipped freight
prepaid, by traceable means, or delivered, to warrantor at:
Uniden America Corporation
Pager Repair Department
4700 Amon Carter Boulevard
Fort Worth, TX 76155
(800) 297-1023, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central, Monday through Friday
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