"If you know subwoofers, you know about Velodyne."
- Corey Greenberg
Home Theater Technology/February 1995
effectiveness of a single subwoofer placed to one side of the room."
- Julian Hirsh
Stereo Review, January 1997
"Notes were distinct, not blurry".
Home Theater, May 2002
Owner's Manual
Other Velodyne Subwoofer Products:
CHT Series
SPL Series
SPL-523 Satellites
CHT Front Row System
HGS Series II
HGS-15 THX Ultra 2
HGS-18 THX Ultra 2
Deco System
Deco System
Deco Satellites
Velodyne Acoustics, Inc.
345 Digital Drive
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
408.465-2800 voice
408.779-9227 fax
Technical E-mail: techhelp@velodyne.com
Audio/Video Subwoofer System
Printed on recycled paper.
63-DLS RevA 18APR03
Troubleshooting and Service
Before seeking service for your subwoofer, please re-check all systems.
Following is a simple troubleshooting guide to assist you.
Congratulations on your purchase of a Velodyne DLS subwoofer system.
This system represents the state of the art in low frequency reproduction.
mance by limiting audible amplifier distortion and controlling the driver
excursion. The result is a subwoofer that reproduces music and home-
theater with a fraction of the audible distortion found in lesser products.
This exclusive DLS technology increases the detail and definition of your
subwoofer without sacrificing output or dynamic impact.
1. Verify unit is plugged in and power outlet used is active.
2. Is power switch on?
3. Is auto turn on/off set properly?
4. Is unit receiving an input signal from your source?
5. Have all controls on subwoofer (volume, crossover, phase, etc.) been
properly set?
6. Ifunithasbeenrunningathighlevels,oneoftheprotectioncircuitsmay
be engaged.
7. Has the built-in amplifier overheated?
Read and follow the instructions below to insure safe and proper system
If the protection circuitry is active, the unit may cycle on and off until
operatingparametersreturntonormal. Undermoreseriousconditions,the
unit may shut off completely. Normal operation will return upon cooling,
but you may be required to turn the power off and then on again to reset the
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this equipment to rain or
moisture. Toavoidelectricalshock,donotopenspeakerenclosureoramp
chassis cover. Please observe all warnings on the equipment itself. There
are no user serviceable parts inside. Please refer all service questions to
your authorized Velodyne dealer.
The following conditions require service by a qualified technician:
1. The power cord has become damaged.
2. Theunitdoesnotappeartooperatenormallyorexhibitsamarked change
Please unpack the system carefully. Remove all staples used to seal the
carton as they can scratch the cabinet. Please save the carton and all
packaging materials for future use. Record the serial number in the space
3. The unit has been exposed to water.
4. Some part of the cabinet or circuitry is physically damaged.
Product Features and Controls
Thank you for purchasing a
Velodyne DLS Subwoofer!
● Built-in160watt(RMS)poweramplifier(DLS-3500)
● Built-in175watt(RMS)poweramplifier(DLS-3750)
● Built-in200watt(RMS)poweramplifier(DLS-4000)
● Distortion Limiting System (DLS) - limits amplifier distortion and
controls driver excursion
● Subwoofer Direct - switchable crossover bypass
● Adjustable (40 to 120Hz) low-pass crossover
● Selectable (80 or 100Hz) high-pass crossover (DLS-4000)
● 85Hzhigh-passcrossover(DLS-3500/DLS-3750)
● Line-level inputs and outputs
● Speaker-level inputs and outputs
● Signal sensing auto turn on/off with bypass option
● Variable volume control
omni-directional. Whileitisrecommendedthatthesubwoofersbeplaced
on the same plane as the satellite speakers, room and system conditions
often dictate otherwise. Keep in mind that frequency response and output
level can be drastically influenced by placement, depending on the
acoustic properties of the listening room. Typically, the optimum
This location will usually offer the greatest output levels and optimum
low frequency extension. The worst location for a subwoofer is typically
farawayfromanywalls, andclosetothecenterofyourroom. Avoidthese
locations when possible. When using a pair of Velodyne subwoofers in
stereo, it is preferable to place each subwoofer by the satellite of the same
channel. Typically, a minimum distance of 4 to 5 feet from your TV to the
subwoofer will be adequate to avoid any magnetic interference.
● Selectable phase control (0 or 180 degrees)
● Dualstaggeredlow-passcrossover;12dB/octaveinitial, 24dB/octave
Your new DLS subwoofer system provides for a number of installation
options. Read all the installation information below in order to determine
which installation option is best for your system. Remember to perform
Your new subwoofer is equipped with both speaker-level and line-level
inputs. Use the RCA/Phono type "INPUT" jacks when connecting your
subwoofer to a pre-amp, signal processor, or line-level crossover. The
"SPEAKER LEVEL-INPUT" jacks connect directly to the speaker outputs
of a integrated amplifier or receiver. Your amplifier section will notice no
additional loading effects when you use these inputs because of their high
This subwoofer has electronics built into the cabinet. Do not place the
cabinet next to sources of heat such as furnace registers, radiators, etc.
Do not place the unit near sources of excessive moisture, such as
evaporative coolers, humidifiers, etc. The power cord should be routed
in such a way that it will not be walked on, pinched, or compressed in
any way that could result in damaging the insulation or wire.
Do not use both the RCA/Phono "INPUT" connections and "SPEAKER
LEVEL-INPUT" connections simultaneously.
Care of Your DLS Subwoofer
Volume control
Do not use any harsh detergents or chemicals to clean the cabinet.
Abrasives, detergents, or cleaning solutions may damage the finish on the
cabinet. We recommend using a damp cloth to clean the cabinet.
This control allows you to balance the output from the subwoofer to the
mainspeakersinyoursystem. Thiscontrolshouldbesettoachievesimilar
volume level from both the main speakers and subwoofer.
During normal conditions, the subwoofer may be left on continuously
without any problems. The unit is equipped with a signal sensing circuit
thatwillautomaticallyturnontheunit whenasignalispresentattheinputs
at the inputs.
Low-pass crossover
Both sets of inputs sum the left and right channels together and the
resulting signal is passed through an adjustable low-pass crossover before
beingamplified. Thecrossovercontrolallowsyoutoadjusttheupperlimit
ofthesubwoofer'sfrequencyresponsefrom40to120Hz. Thesubwoofer's
response will begin rolling off above the frequency you set this control to.
If you plan to leave the unit unused for an extended period of time, we
You should set the crossover frequency to obtain a smooth and seamless
transitionfromthesubwoofertothemainspeakersinyoursystem. Ifyour
larger speakers which have greater low frequency output. With larger
speakers, you might start with this control set lower, such as 80Hz.
To avoid damage to your main amplifier, be sure to maintain correct
polaritywhenmakingallconnections. Thecorrectmethodistoconnect
red (positive) to red and black (negative) to black. Be sure that all
A bypass switch is also provided if you wish to use an external crossover.
If you are not using an external crossover, we recommend that you use the
one provided within the unit for optimum performance.
Figure 2: Installation using SPEAKER LEVEL INPUTS (from amplifier)
This control allows you the "reverse" the phase of the subwoofer's output
between the subwoofer and your main speakers/amplifier. To adjust,
simply listen to the system with music playing. Then move the switch
from one position to the other and listen for a change in low frequency
output. The correct position will have a greater amount of apparent low
frequency output.
Auto turn on function
Withthisfunctioninthe"auto"position, your subwoofercanbesafelyleft
on automatically when an audio signal is present. If no signal is present
forapproximately10minutes, theunitwillswitchtostandbymode. While
in standby mode, your subwoofer will draw very minimal power. Leaving
the switch in the "on" position can disable this function.
High pass crossover switch
Interconnect Cables
This switch selects the frequency for the high pass crossover. This
crossover is functional on both line and speaker-level outputs. Smaller
speakers with limited low frequency output may prefer the higher 100Hz
setting which will reduce the low frequencies sent to them. Larger
setting without strain.
you should always use shielded phono cables. There are many decent
cablesavailabletoday,mostanyofwhichwillworkperfectlywell. Wedo
recommend that you keep the length of cable as short as possible to avoid
any potential noise problems.
Power switch
When using speaker level connections, use a decent quality speaker cable
that mates well with the connectors. Be very careful to avoid any loose
strands or frayed wires which may result in a short, which may damage
yourequipment. Cablesofextremelylargesizearetypicallynotrequired.
Extremely large gauge wire may not properly fit in the binding posts,
resulting in a poor connection and possible short circuits.
Themasterpowerswitchislocatedontherighthalfoftheunit. Thisrocker
style switch is the main on/off for the unit. This switch should be set to
position 1 for on (up), 0 for off (down).
continued. . .
In these installations, you may bypass the internal crossover in either the
processor or your DLS subwoofer. In some installations, it may be
beneficial to have a steeper ultimate crossover slope. To do this you can
use both your processor's crossover and the one internal to the DLS
subwoofer. You should stagger the frequencies (i.e., 120Hz sub, 80Hz
processor) for best results.
Line-level Connection
them to your amplifier inputs.
Wheninstalledinthisfashion, yoursatellitespeakerswillbecrossedover
at 80/100Hz which removes the lower bass from your amplifier and
speakers, enabling them to do a better job reproducing high frequencies.
By utilizing this method, you will have a bi-amplified system, gaining
improved power and headroom for your system.
To bypass the subwoofer's internal crossover when the unit is being fed
alowpasssignalfromanothercrossover, simplylocatetheswitchmarked
"SUBWOOFER DIRECT/INTERNAL X-OVER" on the rear panel of the
subwoofer and set to the "SUBWOOFER DIRECT" position. This will
eliminate the internal crossover from the signal path.
Note. . .
If not using an external crossover, you should use the built-in crossover
for optimal performance. When using a single channel input signal
(suchasasurroundsoundprocessor'ssubwooferout, orLFE), theauto
on/off circuit sensitivity will be affected. When one input channel is
used instead of two, the unit will see lower signal levels present at the
inputs. This may cause the unit to turn off when listening at low volume
levels. If this occurs, simply use a "Y" adapter (available from most
inputs. This will make the unit turn on at lower signal levels.
Figure 1: Installation using line-level (RCA/Phono jack) inputs
Speaker-level Connection
Figure 2 shows an easy way to connect your DLS subwoofer directly to
When connected in this fashion, your satellite speakers will be crossed
over at 80/100Hz which removes the lower bass from your speakers,
enabling them to do a better job reproducing high frequencies.
along with the subwoofer if you wish to bypass the internal high-pass
Your DLS subwoofer is designed to operate using the full range audio
signal for input when using the built-in crossover. Many home theater
processors/receivers (Dolby Digital, DTS, THX) have a "subwoofer out"
jack that is internally filtered and designed to be used with a powered
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